Antenna is everything
Your antenna and its placement make all the difference in the distance that your communications setup will talk.
Antenna selection
The largest antenna with the highest DB gain that is practical for you to run will give you the best range.
Antenna Placement
The highest point on your vehicle with a metal ground plane of at least 20 inches in diameter is the best location for your antenna.
Bullet Proof your comms!
A direct “hole mount” on a good ground plane at least 20 in diameter is the best option.
If you don’t have a good ground plane you should use a 1/2 wave “no ground plane” antenna mounted in the highest point possible.
If you have a daily driver that you are not willing to drill holes in you can use a magnetic mount antenna placed in the center of your roof as the next best option.
If you have questions about your unique setup please click bellow.